Prof. khurshid Ahmad*

Man has conquered the seas and the skies; man has harnessed forces of nature to his service; man has created vast and complex institutions and organizations to administer his affairs; man seems to have reached the pinnacle of material progress!

Man also claims to have deeply reflected upon his position in the universe. He has begun to interpret reality with the sole use of his reason and the knowledge yielded by his senses. With a new-found confidence in his own reasoning power and in the powers of science and technology, he has jettisoned his link with tradition, with revealed truth, indeed with every form of guidance from beyond himself. From this elevated position he seeks to mould the world according to his whims and fancies. But the “Brave New World” he has created drives more and more men and women into profound disillusionment. In spite of unprecedented technological advancement and overall material development the condition of man remains highly unsettled. He sees the powerful subjugating the weak, the rich dominating the poor, the ‘have-nots’ arrayed against the ‘haves’; he sees the injustice and exploitation at