Date of Birth: 23rd March, 1932
Place of Birth: Delhi (India)
Educational  Qualifications: Hon. Ph.D. (Education) University of Malaya
Hon. Ph.D.(Litt) Loughborough University UK
Hon.Phd.D(Islamic Economics),University of Malaya
M.A. (Economics)
Present Mailing  Address: Institute of Policy Studies, Nasr Chambers, 1, MPCHS, Commercial E-11/3, Islamabad, Pakistan
Ph: +92 51 843 8391-3 Fax: +92 51 843 8390


The Islamic Foundation Markfield Dawah Centre, Ratby Lane, Markfield, Leicestershire LE67 9SY (U.K.)
Tel:(01530)244944/5, Fax:(01530) 244946

Academic & Administrative Responsibilities

Chairman, Institute of  Policy Studies Islamabad, PAKISTAN. 1979 todate
Chairman, The Islamic Foundation Leicester, U.K. (Head Office), Branches in Nairobi, Kenya & Kano, Nigeria. 1978 todate
Member, Board of Trustees, International Islamic University Islamabad, PAKISTAN. 1980 todate
Member, Foundation Council Royal Academy for Islamic Civilization Amman, JORDAN. 1987 todate
Member, Board of Trustees Islamic Centre, Zaria, NIGERIA. 1976 todate
Vice President, Islamic Research Academy Karachi and Lahore, PAKISTAN. 1979 todate
Rector, Markfield Institute of Higher Education, Leicester, UK 2001  todate
Member, Senate of Pakistan. 1985-2012
Federal Minister (Planning, Development & Statistics) Government of Pakistan and Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission, PAKISTAN. August 1978 -April 1979
Advisor, King Abdul Aziz University Jeddah, SAUDI ARABIA. 1976 – 1983
Chairman, International Institute of  Islamic Economics, International Islamic University Islamabad, PAKISTAN. 1983 – 1987
President, International Association for Islamic Economics, Leicester, U.K. 1984 – 1992
Member, Supreme Advisory Council, International Centre for Research in Islamic Economics, King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah, SAUDIARABIA. 1979 – 1983
Vice-President, Standing Conference on Jews, Christians & Muslims in Europe, Berlin and London, U.K. 1974 – 1978
Co-Chairman, Christian-Muslim Dialogue Chembasey, SWITZERLAND. June 1976
Member, Advisory Council, Centre for the Study of Islam & Christian-Muslim Relations, Selly Oak Colleges, Birmingham, U.K. 1976 – 1978
Member, National Hijra Committee, Government of Pakistan.  1978 – 1983
Member, Committee of Jurists Invited by the Prime Minister of Sudan  to evaluate Islamic Laws of Sudan, SUDAN Dec. 1986 – Feb. 1987
Member, International Review Committee, Islamic Research & Training Institute, Islamic Development Bank, Jeddah.Saudi Arabia July 1988 – March 1989
Member, International Review Committee, Islamic Research & Training Institute, Islamic Development Bank, Jeddah. Saudi Arabia July 1988 – March 1989
Chairman, Senate of Pakistan Standing Committee on  Finance, Economic  Affairs & Planning July 1991- March 1997


  1. Recipient of Islamic Development Bank Award (1408H/1988) on Distinguished Contribution to Islamic Economics, at Annual Conference of the Board of Governors, Rabat, 22nd February, 1989.
  2. Recipient of King Faisal International Prize in Services to Islam, Riyadh, 1410H/1990.
  3. Recipient of 5th Annual Prize of American Finance House, La-Riba, USA, in recognition of his services in Islamic Economics and Finance, at City Council, Los Angeles, Pasadena,USA on 11th July, 1998.