1. Islamic revival is a universal phenomena and its reality is being acknowledged by all friends and foes. Some of its features are as follows:
  • Dis-enchantment with the leading ideologies of the world particularly communism, socialism, capitalism, secular democracy and secular welfare state. After independence Muslims experimented with these Western ideologies and they have failed to provide security, development or dignity and honor to the people of the Muslim world. In this context there is a serious and wide-spread search for an alternative ideology by drawing upon the historical sources and roots of the Muslim people. As such Islam and rediscovery of ideological identity of the Muslim people represent the hall-mark of this world-wide revival in resurgence among the Muslim people.
  • Some 53 independent Muslim states have emerged on the political map of the world. This has brought an end to the political domination of the colonial powers. While Muslims were politically colonized they felt they were forced to live under un-Islamic laws and policies because of foreign rulers. After independence this feeling of guilt has exploded and given birth to a new guilt but refusal to follow the Divine law and Shariah even after political freedom has been attained would be tantamount to rebellion against Islam – a kind of ridda, apostasy. As such there is universal feeling that Muslims should go back to their own sources for guidance and Shariah should be the pace-setter for the socio-political system of the Muslim peoples. Hence revival of Shariah has become the relying point for Islamic revival.
  • Economic exploitation of the Muslim world has continued even after independence. The economic roads of socialism and capitalism both provided non-starters as far as of power in the world, particularly with the rise in price of oil. Yet the resources so generated have been so appropriated that the poverty and deprivation in the Muslim lands continues while the wealth of the Muslim peoples has been used for the good of the Western power and domestically a small group of people who have common cause with the Western powers.
  • The cultural crisis and moral dis-integration of the Western society has also reached the Muslim lands where cultural imperialism of the Western civilization is on the increase. This has totally upset the Muslim masses and resulted in uprising against Western cultural on-slaughts.
  • The Islamic revival is a recipe for political independence, cultural emancipation from the hegemony of the Western civilization and economic liberation from the shackles of colonial and post-colonial economic systems. It is an ideological movement and all is an embracing socio-political phenomena. The Muslim people are seeing their future in this revival.

2. Islamic revival is faced with challenges both domestically as well as internationally.

  • Domestic Challenges: The intellectual climate created during the colonial period and the education system imposed on Muslim countries during that period continues and is responsible for producing intellectual confusion and split personalities.
  • Islamic institutions, law,, society, economy family, judiciary, education were by and large destroyed during the colonial period and Western institutions trans­planted. It is this institutional crisis which is making things difficult.
  • Political and economic leadership in the Muslim countries is a product of the colonial era. There is a great convergence in the interests of this leadership and Western powers and very little rappot between the feelings and aspirations of this leadership and the Muslim people. This is the real DIVIDE in the Muslim people and is responsible for conflict and rivalry and tension within the Muslim body-politics. Resources that could be used for building a glorious future are being destroyed through this internal conflict. The future of Muslim Ummah very much depends upon resolution of this conflict.
  • Fall of communism, the dis-integration of Soviet empire, the demise of a super-power and drift towards a uni­polar world with only one superpower, trying to call the shots and establish a so-called new world order where that super-power alone dominates. This is providing greater instability in the world. Islamic revival is looked upon as a threat at the international level and unless the Muslim Ummah evolves a strategy to face this challenge in such a manner that Muslim Ummah could emerge as an independent pole of power, the hegemonistic designs of the western countries would remain a threat to Islamic revival.

These are the major challenges that Islamic revival has to face and the way to face those lies through revival of Iman strengthening and solidarity of the Islamic Ummah, utilization of the resources of Muslim people for the development and well-being of the Muslim Ummah, harnessing of technology in the services of ideals of Muslim Ummah. These are the elements of a new strategy based on ideological commitment, unity and solidarity of the Muslim people, harnessing of latest technology and vision of a pluralistic world under which Muslims have an opportunity to run their affairs according to their own Rights and other people and countries to run their affairs according to their own values and principles.