East Pakistan has ‘witnessed U second hollocast in a month, trouble is brewing fast. Condi- ions are continually deterioraing – They are going from bad o worse.

It can hardly be doubted that mighty forces of evil q.re at work, ‘hey are trying to undo what has been acheived after countless sacrifices. They have struck at be industrial potential of Pakistan and want to wreck its economy. Islamic Republic of Pakistan is an eyesore for them— they burn in the fires of jealosies nd are not prone to tolerate this bastion of Islam.

What has happened is not sudden whirlwind. It has not occured by -chance. The disastrous eruption is not just accidental. It is the result of multiple forces that have prospered in the seven years that have gone. The hoarse cry of merely dubbing this or that is, of course to say the least, most unrealistic. The causes of this great tragedy—this wild orgy of bloodshed and destruction—are very deep seated. Let us cast a glance over them.

  1. Pakistan was created for re establishment of an ideology id the practical demonstration of ideal. It was the love: the ideal which united the Muslim India and spurred them to action. It was the desire to see Islam bloom in this country which inspired them to fight the great struggle of liberation and which enabled them to tide over the storm of misfortunes that impeded their way. But this sordid fact will go down in the annals of history as the greatest tragedy of the age that a great majority of the leaders of the movement was neither sincere in its professions nor equipped with the zeal and talents needed for the great revolutionising mission. And the nation was too short-sighted to see this reality—a reality which was en­veloped in the fog and mist of sloganism and emotionalism.
  • This leadership betrayed Pakistan in the grossest terms. It failed to lead nation to the promised land. It indulged in all kinds of graft and corruption and did not care a jot for the nation. It became a living symbol of inefficiency and did every thing in its power to tar the face of Pakistan in black. It threw the real ideals of the state to the lumber house and flirted with petty ideologies of the decadent west. The result was chaos and confusion.
  • This leadership not only indulged in this foolish game of fire, it also fanned the flames of provincialism. The unity of the country was shattered. The threads of integrity were torn asunder. The noble spirits eveporated into thin air and all nasty feelings of self-interst and provincial-intrigueings assumed dominance. They became the deciding factor.

This leadership also permitted—nay, encouraged, the rabid ideology of Communism to gain ground in the intelligentsia. The literature became infected with it and the germs even en­tered the body of the student community. Everything happen­ed under the nose of these “sleeping beauties” and no amount of public criticism could shake them from their plumber. Now the lava has erupted and they are caught in a fit of hys­teric franzy.

Let hysteria not blind us at this critical moment—we must be careful. The real cause of all this devastation is the weakening of the faith in the ideology that gave life to Pakistan and the imprudent policy of the Govt. which was, short-sightendness, lack of faith in the Islamic ideology and absence of sincerity, all rolled into one. And what is needed today is not a set of deceptive palliatives but a well-thought out cure. The evil can not be undone unless the Islamic ideology is fully established and a popular movement for it is set afoot. We pray that wisdom may now dawn upon the minds of those who direct the policy and they may march ahead in the right direction. Then and then alone can the catastrophe be averted.