(A serious conflict between the powerful Islamic Movement of Egypt Muslim Brotherhood and the present Military regime is a well known fact. Almost daily one happens to come across with one or two news items about the same. But, the news agencies being Imperialist-controlled, only the version of the Egyptian Government finds publicity. We publish below the joint statement of the Presidents of Muslim Brotherhood of Syria, Iraq and Transjordan issued from Damascus which explains the viewpoint of Muslim brotherhood and throws light on the real causes of the tussle.

It may be recalled that King Faruq banned Ikhwan in 1948 and, in January this year the same was done by Egypt’s present government, but later on it was with drawn and all Ikhwan prisoner’s were released. And now the stage is being prepared for some more cruel action against this august Islamic movement and four of its leaders have already lost their Egyptian nationality.


Ikhwan have for the last few months been studying, with keen interest, the conflict between Ikhwan and the military government of Egypt. This interest is not only due to the fact that Ikhwan outside Egypt share the ideology of their Egyptian brethren. Besides that, this interest is also due to the fact that Ikhwan of the Nile Valley are the greatest standard bearers of Islam and the sincerest supporters and the most selfless and uncompromising fighters for the Arab cause. They do not stand for narrow nationalism. Their sympathies, too are therefore not confined within the boundaries of their country. On the contrary, they have a broad Islamic outlook. It is they who were in the vanguard of the War of Palestine in 1948. It is Ikhwan who were first to come forward to support the cause of the Maghreb. It is they who openly and emphatically denounced the French colonial domination and the barbarities that were per-pertrated on innocent Muslims. And it is they who stood against the tyrannical rule of Shishakly. To be brief, Ikhwan have always shared the sufferings and affictions of their Muslim brethren all over the world.

The conflict between Ikhwan and Egypt’s military regime has now taken a serious turn. Jamal Nassar, considering them to be an obstacle in the path of his ambitions, is determined to liquidate them. He is trying to impede the path of Ikhwan and to vex them in every coneeivble manner. He is using his so-called Liberation Rally to create fracas in the meetings of Ikhwan, even those held in mosques. He feels no remorse in posting the police on the mosques and in opening fire as happened recently in the mosque of Raudha (Cairo) when the policemen were sent into the mosque with their boots on.

Jamal Nasser is also trying to hander the Supreme Guide of Ikhwan. He is using all the resources at his disposal, radio, press and platform to hurl baseless allegations and unfounded charges on him. And when Ikhwan want to defend them selves, they find that all the lawful channels for the expression of their views are close.

But that is not all. Jamal Nasser has gone a step further and has been trying to drive a wedge into the ranks of Ikhwan. To achieve this end the has used his police to hold public meetings addressed by a few of those who have been lately expelled from Ikhwan and in these public meetings resolutions in support of the government and the recent Anglo Egyptian Agreement. Apart form these, the Supreme Guide of Ikhwan was made a target of bitterest of abuses. All this was almed at creating hatred against the Supreme Guide in the ranks of Ikhwan. And when Ikhwan tried to answer all these charges, their meetings were banned.

The military rulers of Egypt have virtually erected an Iron Curtain around Egypt. This has compelled the leaders of Ikhwan in different countries to gather at Damascus and unmask this foul game & the mischievous tactics of Jamal Nasser and to explain the real causes of the present conflict between Ikhwan and the Egyptian Government. The causes are explained herein.


We are fully convinced that Islam alone is the basis of the progress of Arabs and Muslims. We are, therefore, convinced that in all our schemes and plans should be inspired by the Islamic ethical outlook and its moral values order to stamp out evils, oppression, immorality and social injustice.

But the viewpoint of Jamal Nasser is different. He seems to think that Islam should be used only as an instrument to win the support and applause of the simple minded masses for his government and to arrange prayers for his “long life and prosperity” in mosques, as was the practice of King Faruq during his regime. The military rulers had come forward with the avowed proclamation of rooting out immorality and corruption which had afflicted the Egyptian nation during the Faruq regime. But contrary to their declarations, immorality and corruption have increased.

Immoral and obscene functions are held even today under the auspices of military rulers in the same manner as they were held in the past. Even today one finds Qitarat-ur-Rahma (Trains of Blessing) which contain film actresses who sell their kisses. Even now one finds the same obscene functions of music which were held during the Faruq regime in Ramadhan. Even today Beauty Competitions are held and their news is spread all over the world by the Radio.

In International Politics, too, Islam is being ruthlessly exploited in hobnobbing with Western Imperialistic Powers. It is being used as a tool in foreign politics which is manifest by the Conference held during the Haj-  which was not motivated by the desire to pull the Muslims out of the mire of their present state of degeneration and decline. It was rather motivated by the desire to create a so called “Islamic Bloc” only to serve the cause of Western Imperialism. Such conferences, we are compelled to observe, are being held only to implement the agreement reached upon between Egypt and the Western powers after the conclusion of the recent Anglo-Egyptian Treaty.

We also believe that all responsible personalities of the Arab world should concentrate their best energies on facing the Jewish threat. But we find that Jamal Nasser is inclined towards reconciliation with Jews. We have come to know through highly reliable sources that the proposed American aid has been granted on the following conditions:

Firstly, that the Egypt must speedily conclude an agree ment with the British on the on the Sue issue.

Secondly, that “Israel” be recognized by the Egytian Government.

And thirdly that Ikhwan should be liquidated.

If this is correct, it shows that he wants to divert the attention of the Arabs from the achievement of their cherished ideal facing the Zionist threat.

We are of the opinion that the secret meetings of Jamal Nasser with the representatives of Isreal at Aqba towards the close of the previous year, the secret meetings after which the Egyptian Army on the Isreali borders was reduced by on third, also brings before us a hideous picture of the nefarious designs of Jamal Nasser.


All the arab countries are unanimously of the opinion that their foremost problem is the emancipation of the Arab world from Western Imperialistic domination. Ikhwan are of the view that the struggles that are being launched against western Imperialism in different countries are all part of the same WAR OF LIBERATION. And the U. S. A. and the U. K. being in the forefront of the Imperialist map, are naturally the target of our attack. It is these powers who have enabled the “Isreal” to stand on her feet. And it is these Powers whom we have to get rid of.

As Arabs and Muslims, the only right course for us is to remain absolutely neutral between the Capitalist and the Communist Blocs. It is this neutrality which can save us from the horrible consequences of the coming war.

We Muslims with a population of 500 millions occupying large territories of Asia and Africa, have been endowed with abundant economic resources. These resources are not only sufficient for our economic needs, they are in fact much more than that. In fact the Imperialist powers are thriving on these very resources. Hence if we once organize and galvanise this vast population on the one hand, and utilize all our resources to the fullest extent on the other, we can play a great role in preventing the global war which hangs over the world and makes the world tremble with fear.

But this neutrality is distasteful to Nasser. Not only that, he cannot tolerate the expression of and difference of opinion.

Jamal Nasser boasts that he has succeeded in concluding an agreement which will result in an unconditional evacnation of the Nile Valley. But how far this agreement is “unconditional” can well be gauged by the fact that he has extended his hand of friendship towards the Western Powers and has started requesting for American aid soon after the conclusion of this agreement. Thus it is being endeavoured to use this huge Muslim population as cannon fodder in the next war to serve the American & British interests. It may be recalled that the same Jamal Nasser was criticizing other countries for accepting American aid, which he used to characterize as an evidence of their serfdom to Imperialist Powers. It is the same Jamal Nasser who use to wax eloquence on neutrality and condemn joining either Bloc. Then, what has made him change his opinion? Why this somersault?


Ikhwan are the champions of civil liberties of the people. They want to restore the right of free expression of views to the people. Ikhwan have therefore always stood for the freedom of expression and association. They have always opposed all those governments which tried to deprive the people of these rights and hence were always a sore is the eyes of these governments. The same policy has been pursued by Ikhwan vis-à-vis the present military regime. But Jamal Nasser is not ready to concede these fundamental rights to the people, and we find that in this regime people are being ruthlessly sent behind the bars, civil and political liberties are being tramped underfeet and the freedom of the press is being crushed under the deadweight of governmental pressure and censorship. Any body who dares criticize the rulers is sent to prison. Today the Egyptian Jails are full of those who ventured to criticize the government or dared to convery public feeling to them.

It is this dictatorial mentality which has made Jamal Nasser intolerant towards Ikhwan as it is the only rival power in the country. And hence Jamal Nasser has launched a campaign to crush Ikhwan the only reckonable force in Egypt wnich uncompromisingly stands for freedom and is opposed to every form of injustice and oppression.


We also hold that the interference of the army in political matters and taking over the administration of a country in its own hands, is fraught with dangerous possibilities. Experience shows that military government has never been a blessing, nor has it ever succeeded in fulfilling national aspirations. This thing rather is dangerous for the military itself. The participation of the military in political life naturally deprives it of its best brains and divides the defence forces into quarrelling factions. The recent experiment of military rule in Syria too should also serve as an eye opener. People had to undergo untold sufferings at the hands of the military dictatorship and it was after a great difficulty that they could get rid of it.

Ikhwan of Egypt there fore have been strongly demanding that parliamentary life should be restored in Egypt and that the Army should go back to its barracks and concentrate its energies preparing for the defence of the country. But these military officers are being. Pulled out of their barracks and made ministers and ambassadors. This has brought Egyptian politics to such a deplorable state that the country has become a laughing stock.

These are the causes which are responsible for the present conflict between Ikhwan and the Egyptian government. The nation is with Ikhwan and is against the government. The entire structure of military dictator ship has become rotten to the core due to lack of popular support and in no time this tottering edifice is bound to fall. Hence Jamal Nasser has gone mad with fury and has been blinded by enmity and in his campaigns directed against Ikhwan and their Supreme Guide, he has stooped down to depths unimaginable to those who have even an iota of self-respect and decency. What else can be more detestable than to hire street boys and loafers in the unholy crusade against those whose sincerity and selflessness are unquestionable. His actions are in fact thus sowing the seeds of a bloody civil war, which can serve the purpose of none except the Jews and the British.

Ikhwan appeal to all the Muslims of the World of Islam to face manfully and heroically the trials that are ahead and to repulse the force of Evil which are trying to divert their attention from their great struggle for the glory of Islam and for emancipation of Muslim countries from the corrupt leadership. They must be on guard lest they are skillfully exploited in the fulfillment of Imperialistic aspirations. They must rise against the forces of Evil and Tyranny, and hurl a crushing defeat on them.